I'm not sure exactly what virtual private server issues you think Plesk
can't handle but I use it and have found nothing that limits provisioning
excellent web hosting solutions.

It does let you have a single user login to handle multiple virtual domains
and being built on top of MySQL it is very easy to write scripts to add
custom configuration options.

I have used webmin and Plesk is not even in the same league. I haven't seen
cPanel or Ensim though.

Users can have access to as many rights as you want to grant including DNS,
Email, Log Rotation, adding additional domains, FTP accounts, additional
users, Databases, SPAM control, Web Stats, File Manager, Front Page
Extensions, CGI, SSI, PHP, Perl, custom apache configuration directives,
SSL, and the list keeps on going.

I think you can try Plesk at their site for free.

-----Original Message-----
[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Chris
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 7:04 PM
Subject: Re: Building a webhosting server


Obviously you are biased as a cPanel partner.  I have looked at it but at
$1400 it is cPanel that stinks.  Even if you went for the 1 year license,
it's $599, but for this price you can only use it for a whooping 12 months.
Sorry, Ensim gives end users just as much control, at a lower price
breakpoint, and no timeouts on the software you already paid for.  There are
a few options that I see that cPanel includes that would appeal to the geek
in all of us, but for the most part, end users wouldn't have a clue what
these options were or cared to play with them anyway.

But that's just my opinion, your milage obviously may vary ;-)  Plesk is
also a good tool, though personally I've seen too many *end users* complain
about its unfriendliness, and so far *end users* prefer Ensim WEBppliance.
This is important for a hosting company where you do things not necessarily
to make your web software "more cool" for yourself, but you have to take
your clients into consideration.

There are also some things that neither cPanel nor Plesk handle properly,
like virtual private servers, and share some of the user accounts across all
domains on a shared server.  So far I believe only Ensim supports virtual
private servers correctly.  Correct me if I'm wrong though, I haven't used
cPanel extensivly enough to know everything about it.

BTW, checkout WEBppliance Pro (official release date March 31), which
combines the best of WEBppliance 3.1, cPanel, Webmin, Plesk, and then some,
and is still cheaper than cPanel's $1400 sticker price.  HUGE difference
between WEBppliance LS and Pro, so if you haven't seen it yet, it's highly


----- Original Message -----
From: "The Light" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
Sent: Friday, March 28, 2003 3:38 PM
Subject: Re: Building a webhosting server

> Chris,
> First, thats 2 words. Second, Ensim stinks. I am an authorized cPanel
> NOC (http://www.cpanel.net) and it beats Ensim like a wet noodle. Just my
> cents.
> -- Jonathan
> Quoting Chris <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
> > One word:  Ensim WEBppliance.
> >
> > Okay, that's two words.  ;-)  But it works great and feels like total
> > killer.
> >
> > Chris

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