What BIND version are you using?

What release of Red Hat Linux?

How did you set it up? what problems are you seeing?

--- Wikked Skye <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> I have been trying with this and reading articles
> with this for four 
> days now, and I am stumped.  I have checked
> everything, ports are open, 
> firewall is set okay.  I can get to my website by
> using the ip, but not 
> with the www address.  Everything is pointed
> correctly.  I have checked 
> with WhoIs and everything seems to be set correctly.
>  I have checked 
> with my DSL provider and all ports are open.  The
> only thing I can 
> figure is that it must be something in this BIND
> configuration and the 
> way I have it set up.  Is there any documentation
> that can explain this 
> better? Or anyone out there that might know more
> than me, since I am 
> just a beginner anyway.
> Thanks,
> Kelly
> -- 
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