I put a fairly old network card into one of my boxes last night (running
RH5.0 and win95), which win95 picks up as an ne2000 compatible device.
win95 assigned it irq=3 and io=0x300.

Cool, I thought, and put the following in my /etc/conf.modules;

alias ne eth0
options ne io=0x300 irq=3

Then doing "./ifup eth0" from the relevant directory, followed by
"ifconfig", confirmed that the card was up and running, modules loaded,

However, I don't seem to be able to get any packets to go in to, or out
of, the interface. ifconfig insists that TX and RX packet counts are
both 0, even after I've been frantically trying to ping things. The
green led on the back of the card comes on when I plug the cable in, and
other boxes on the same hub can ping each other okay.

"route -n" gives output as I would expect. Another network card that was
in this box (on loan) earlier worked without any problems.

I've checked the ethernet howto, etc, and haven't come across anything
that seems relevant to this particular problem.

Has anyone seen this before? Ideas much appreciated...


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