On 24 Jun, Andy Moskoff shaped the bitstream to say: 
> Hi:
> Well, has anyone upgraded their RH5.0 system to 2.0.34 kernel using the
> Red Hat RPMs at their site? If so, do I need to also upgrade to the
> 2.0.34 kernel headers? It would make sense I think to do this, but I'm
> not sure its necessary. Anybody know?
> --------------------------------------------------------------
> Andy Moskoff                               email: [EMAIL PROTECTED]  
> Intelligent Systems Solutions

I just did it last night and I did 'em all including initscripts and
modutils.  Read the errata pages at RedHat.  One thing that the errata
doesn't tell you is that the kernel rpm is gonna bomb out on removing
the 2.0.32 modules (or at least it did for me).  No matter... it
installed the kernel itself (which includes the modules in 34) and I
did a custom kernel recompile immediately after.

All is well!


Chuck Mead

A bad marriage is like a horse with a broken leg, but you can shoot
the horse! - unknown

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