On Tue, 14 Apr 1998, Chris Cogdon wrote:

> I'd like to compile up a kernel very similar to what gets installed from
> the kernel-....rpm files, with some small mods... but... I dont have a
> .config file that represents what redhat used to make their kernel.
> Is this available anywhere?

Just answered my own question, I think:

Redhat (or someone? I haven't checked the SRPMS) has modified the
arch/i386/defconfig file to create a situation where if you make *config
form the kernel-sources rpm, you'll get a kernel binary similar to what
redhat ship.

But... if you download the linux tarball from the net (as I am doing) and
run make *config, you'll get a very vanilla configuration indeed.

To solve this problem, I ran 'make xconfig' on redhat's 2.0.32 kernel
tree, and copied the .config file to the 'net's' 2.0.33 tree and compiled
the usual way... worked a charmer!

   ("`-/")_.-'"``-._         Chris Cogdon <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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