-----Original Message-----
From: Binyon Steve Contr Det 4 AFC2TIG/ASRCC
Sent: Tuesday, April 01, 2003 12:18 PM
To: [EMAIL PROTECTED] com (E-mail)
Subject: xscreensaver -unlock by root

I've been trying to get xscreensaver to unlock after entering the root
without much luck.  Did a google search and found that RH modified
to disallowed this type of action and that the source would need to be
After a successfull rpm/config/make I copied the new xscreensaver to
to replace the original and it worked on my local system, so, I copied the
xscreensaver to another system, and I can not get it to work (both run RH
After extracting the xscreensaver source from the SRPM file into 
/usr/src/redhat/SOURCES/xscreensaver-4.05, I examined ./driver/passwd-pam
passwd-pwent.c and saw that after trying the user's passwd, it checks for
password, which seem to follow what was stated in the xscreensaver man page.
the ./configure with no errors, and then did the make, which created the
./driver/xscreensaver (plus some other files, such as xscreensaver-demo).  I
the xscreensaver into /usr/X11R6/bin and restarted X (ctrl-alt-bksp).
Waited for
the blank screen and hit shift, typed in the root password and it worked.
so I copied this new xscreensaver to another system and tried the same test
failed.  I did notice in /var/log/messages, an authenication failure from
for both the user and root on the failing system, but I noticed the same
on the system that it works on.  

I'm not clear on why it works on one system and not the other.  Nor am I
clear on 
where xscreensaver is actually being started from (parent=1) since the man
doesnt seem to match up with with whats on the system.  If anyone on the
list has 
successfully got xscreensaver to unlock using root password, can you tell me
what I am missing?  Thanks.

Steve Binyon
System Administrator


First of if one does the make install everything will work as it should,
but the trick is if one is using shadow passwords then
needs to be setuid.  When I did the make install on the orignal system as
root this message does not appear and it does it for you, but the mesasage
appear when performed as non-root. 

I'm still at a lost of determining where xscreensaver is initiated.

Hope this helps others in the future.


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