
I would recommend the following for the topics of Data Structures and
Algorithms : 

1. Horowitz and Sahani, _Fundamentals of Computer Algorithms_.

2. Sedgewick, _Algorithms in C_, Addison-Wesley. There is another edition
on C++. 

3. Sengupta and Edwards, _Data Structures in ANSI C_.

4. Mehlhorn, Vol. 1 Sorting and Searching, Vol. 2 Graph Algorithms, Vol. 3
Multi-dimensional Search. Springer-Verlag.

5. Tenenbaum and Augustein, _Data Structures Using C_, Prentice-Hall.

6. Weiss, _Data Structures and Algorithm Analysis in C_, Addison-Wesley.
There is also an edition with C++.

7. Sengupta and Korobkin, _C++ Object-Oriented Data Structures_.

8. Aho and Ullman, _Foundations of Computer Science (C Edition)_,
CS Press (WH Freeman).

For those who find Kernighan+Ritchie's ANSI C book tough, also buy
Tondo+Gimpel's _C Answer Book_ as a companion. Harbison+Steele is also a
useful book to have around for reference.

-- Raj

| Raj Singh               | EMAIL : [EMAIL PROTECTED]      |
| IC Design Group         |---------------------------------|
| CEERI, Pilani - 333 031 | PHONE : 91-1596-42359 (office)  |
| Rajasthan (INDIA)       | FAX   : 91-1596-42294 (office)  |

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