On Wed, 2003-04-02 at 02:32, Lars Eighner wrote:
> On Wed, 2 Apr 2003, Christensen Tom wrote:
> > Just upgraded my laptop from redhat 8 to redhat 9,
> Why did you do that?

Probably for the same reason I'll be doing it in the next couple of
days:  because I want to take a look.  If it doesn't work and I can't
fix it, I'll drop back to 8.

> I just want to make a point here.  If you have a working system and you
> don't know there is something mission-critical on the new version, it is

Who said anything about "mission critical"?  He said he installed it on
a laptop, has problems with the video and wanted to know if anybody had
any suggestions on how to fix it.  I didn't see anything where he asked
for your opinion on when he should upgrade.

> foolish to upgrade - and especially so the first few weeks after a release.
> This "biggest, latest, fastest, shiniest" thing is exactly what makes
> commercial software suck so bad.

And of course, if everyone followed that advice no one would ever
upgrade because we'd all still be waiting for other people to do it
first.  Do you think developers depend solely on bug reports from each

"Release early, release often" has a counterpart for the user community:
"Help test, and please, add your $0.02 by reporting bugs".  

> > now I can't get better than 800x600 resolution on my laptop
> > whats the problem?  Is this a known issue?  Any known workaround?
> XFree86 has tons of issues with Savage and has had them for a long time.
> I suggest you look here:
>    Linkname: S3 Savage support on XFree86 4.x
>         URL: http://www.probo.com/timr/savage40.html
> for information and the latest drivers.  XFree86 4 was a tad on the
> premature side and unfortunately packagers have hopped on it.

This is much more useful information.

Cliff Wells, Software Engineer
Logiplex Corporation (www.logiplex.net)
(503) 978-6726 x308  (800) 735-0555 x308

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