Dear Friends,
  A nights sleep, and responses from the 2 Dave's helped restore calm in my 
temper.   I had no real plans for anything really destructive ( although I did
fleeting visions of piracy and burning their logo on their lawn ).  But I also
yet to see if they have in their license a statement of the following flavor: 
    ....absolutely no warrantees of any kind....     This statement, while
them from stupid or frivolous lawsuits, COULD be used to say in effect "Hey,
didn't promise you anything. Not even that it will install properly."   I am
not saying
that they will behave this way.  BUT, so far, the response has been that way
the "droid" level.  By the way, the company in question is SCO.  It is their
OS and
their compiler.   
     BTW,   virtually everyone in the SCO community knows about this kind of 
behavior!    Most of us have thrown up our hands, in a "who has the time to
on city hall?"   kind of response.   
      THIS is exactly the kind of thing which will open some doors of
opportunity for 
some other OS to step in.      It seems as though Windows NT, having mindshare
in much of Corporate America, will be the likely successor.    WE, OF COURSE,
WANT LINUX to dominate the desktops.     For a long time I have tried to
out how to begin to make it happen.     I think the solution is in the
    1.  Lobbying.   Talk to your supervisors and co-workers about all of the
         ways it could be used in your office.    Let them know that major
         like Wordperfect, and Sybase are available for Linux.  
     2.  Lobby the major software vendors.   Tell them that you want to see
         product on Linux.    For example:   We should lobby Corel to produce 
         " Quattro " for Unix/Linux.    They already have Wordperfect Version
          BTW,  WP on Linux is SOOOOOOO cool!!!    We should lobby Adobe 
          for Illustrator for Unix/Linux.  Or PhotoShop.    I have seen
repeated postings
          for Quicken.   This is not a promise to buy - you'll buy it if you
need it - they
          need to get a certain volume of calls to begin to look at whether 5
          desktops is a worthwhile target.  
      3.  Maybe we should set up a fund/contest which would recognise the best
           products in each of  5 categories:
              1.  Finance   -    ( Quicken Clones - not just a checkbook
application )
              2.  CAD/Design -  A real, user friendly and useable drawing
              3.  Word Processing.    Obvious. Compatibility with 2 major
              4.   Spreadsheet.        Also obvious.  Compatibility  with 2
              5.   Database -Simple:    You know, you could be dead and
understand it.
              6.   Database Complex.  Formats aside, Usability, reasonable
speed, and
                                                   of  course - RELIABILITY is
             Winner is selected by e-mailed in votes or by hitting a web-page
with a
             counter?     If 3 million users put in 50 cents, we could offer
250,000 dollar
             awards !   Or we could buy the R&D for products we want.    Like
             we ask how many people would pitch in 50 cents to see ACT for
Linux ?

              What do you guys think ? Maybe it would bring more name
              into our realm.    

               OK,  I'm done dreaming.    Back to work. 

               Greg ( [EMAIL PROTECTED] )

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