On Friday 06 June 2003 15:20, Hill, Benjamin W wrote:
> I have a machine that I have installed CVS and Telnet Server, but I
> cannot Telnet or access the CVS repository remotely from a Windows
> machine.
> Each time I try to Telnet the box I get a "Could not open connection
> to the host, on port 23: Connect failed"
> I have set up the CVS repository, and on the box itself can do a:
> bash# export CVSROOT=:pserver:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/cvs/repository
> bash# cvs login
> And I can authenticate, and then check out code in the repository
> fine. The problem is when I try to connect to the server remotely and
> do the same thing.
> I have:
> * disabled the firewall using "redhat-config-securitylevel"
> * Added the file; /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver with the contents:
> service cvspserver
> {
>         socket_type         = stream
>         protocol            = tcp
>         wait                = no
>         user                = root
>         passenv             =
>         server              = /usr/bin/cvs
>         server_args         = --allow-root=/cvs/repository pserver -f
> }
> (and restarted xinet.d)
> * checked via a netstat that there is a LISTEN for cvspserver.
> The server is using DHCP to obtain an IP.
> Cheers,
> Ben
> ---
> Software Engineer [SCJP] Specialist, SME Java Technologies
> Member Institute of Software Architects [www.wwisa.org]

Just for grins, have you tried "service iptables stop" before logging in 
remotely? (bearing in mind your security needs)

My working /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver is below. Differences I see are that 
your path (server=) is different but I'm using the current tarball not 
RH's version and your '-f' may be out of place if there's a strict 
ordering to the server_args arguments, and I have a passenv= specified.

service cvspserver
   port        = 2401
   socket_type = stream
   protocol    = tcp
   wait        = no
   user        = root
   passenv     = PATH
   server      = /usr/local/bin/cvs
   server_args = -f --allow-root=<full_path_to_repository> pserver

Regards,  Mike Klinke

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