But seriously folks. ...... 
I agree, pointing a person to google is beneficial. As long as it is
done in a helpful manner. Enabling a person to help themselves by
pointing them to the many resources available so that they can do their
own research and in doing so learn. That is always a good thing.
However, be it noted that some do become rather snide with their
comments. Yes, newbies may ask questions that seem Newbious, hmmm, a new
word, I like that, :-) , anyway, I digress. Some Newbies may ask very
repetitive questions. I deal with a lot of people who are neophytes even
to the windows world. I may answer the same question a gazillion times,
but I still do not put down the person. They are learning to walk
amongst us and should be nurtured. Granted there are those that, like a
child, need to be admonished for not heeding previously given advice.
There are those who are just plain lazy. Unfortunately, we end up
lumping all together. We need to remember that we all had to learn to
walk. While some of us just have a natural born curiousity that caused
us to learn everything we could, there are those that have a hard time
with technical manuals, et al. Some were brought up in the windows world
where they never had to tar xzvf file.tar.gz, make clean, make, make
install. Where all the parts of the program were on a single disk,
including the libraries. Where manufacturers actually wrote drivers for
their wares. Linux is a wonderful operating system. For those of us that
grew up with computers, Hollerith cards, et al, it gives us the
flexibility to tinker and modify to our hearts content. For a newbie who
might have bought their system from Walmart, it can be overbearing. I
have worked with Red Hat since 1999 and still have issues going to
websites and not getting RealPlayer to function properly. Things you
take for granted on Windows. In other words, to a neophyte, it can be
daunting. I say that we lead them to the resources, no matter how many
times, some day they will see for themselves how easy it is. Point out
Google, Red Hat's web site, Linux for dummies, Linux in a Nutshell, and
the plethora of other resources. 
I know I have asked questions here that I might have found answers to
elsewhere. Sometimes simple things, that you have a brainfart on.
Sometimes, you are overwhelmed at work and find it easier to post a
question and wait for an answer while you do other things. Sometimes, it
is just to reach out to others of like minds. Or no minds. Or fried
minds. If I knew all the answers, knew all the resources, I wouldn't
need this community. And that is what this is, it is a community of like
minded individuals helping each other to better themselves. Some of us
are old timers, some of us young whelps and upstarts, but all in a
common cause. We all want linux to succeed. In order to do that, we need
to reach out to all people, including the ones who don't want to RTFM.
If we get someone who refuses to use the other resources that we point
them to, but just keeps coming back with the same question. Then ignore
them, don't get into flame wars and fill the list with he said/she said,
nannananana pooopie heads. Say it once, do this, look up this resource,
or go there, and then move on. 
Okay, I have ranted enough. See what happens when you catch me early in
the day with coffee in my system? Stepping off my soap box now, ah, oohh
nooo, ooooououuuuccchhhhh! Okay, who was the wise guy that moved my
Later, Ed.

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