On Wed, 2003-05-28 at 10:17, Paulo Schopf wrote:
> Hi.
>     Im migrating my old Linux (Conectiva distro) to RH 9. I would like to
> know what are the files to copy to keep accounts and passwords (passwd,
> shadown, etc). I just use Squid, Apache and Samba and have some files in
> /home, without ldap, ssh,etc.
> Its a simple box.
>         Anyone may indicate these files?
> []s
> Paulo

A full bacukp would be best, but barring that here's some stuff to look

At a minimum

/etc/shadow (if it exists)

Dont simply replace the above files on the new install.  Copy line by
line out of them into the new install.  Checking for conflicting
uid's/gid's as you go.  Fixing the uid's as needed on your home mount as

Write down your network config.

I would tar up /home

I would get copies of your squid, apache, and samba configs.

Know that you will lose the one thing you really needed.  It allways
happens.  :)

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