Sun ONE Studio 4 (aka Forte 4 java) runs fine on the 2 RH8 boxes I've
loaded it on.


-----Original Message-----
Sent: Thursday, May 29, 2003 3:10 PM
Subject: Finding Software and Support for RedHat Linux 8.0

Hi gang...
I just purchased RedHat Linux 8.0 last year (and I'm slowly realizing I probably 
should have waited for Linux 9.0), and I'm having the hardest time finding software 
that supports it.

Case in point, I also purchased Kylix for Linux last year but didn't realize that 8.0 
doesn't really support it. Now I have a $300+ piece of software that I can't use on my 

Currently I'm trying to find a version of Forte for Java that will work on my system 
and I've found that IT only supports RedHat 7.2. 

Is there ANY IDE (or ANY SOFTWARE ) that supports RedHat 8.0, out there. Or did I just 
shoot myself in the foot with the purchase of RedHat 8.0?


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