On 30 May 2003 at 12:58, Jon Haugsand wrote:

> >> > 

> >> 'man 5 crontab' says you can do intervals with */X where X is the number 
> >> of intervals.
> >> 
> >> So I would assume
> >> 
> >> *  *       */20    *       *
> >> 
> >> Would work? Or not?
> > The variable for month is 1 to 32. How will the second execution occur after 20 
> > days 
> > in such case?
> What should happen is that if you install such an entry into the
> crontab table today, first execution will be in 20 days, next in 40
> days, next in 60 days, and so on.
> But perhaps I misunderstood?
> Try it out.  Start with minutes just to see:
> */3 * * * * date >>/tmp/date.out
> -- 
>  Jon Haugsand, [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>  http://www.norges-bank.no

This would of course run in 3 -3 minutes cause we can have 3/3, 6/3, 9/3  ..... so on 
upto 60/3

Nabin Limbu

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