I'm using RH 7.3, kernel 2.4.18-26.7.x. But it seems not to suport full

from man apmd I got:

       suspend [ system | user ]
              Invoked when the APM  driver  reports  that  system
              suspension  has been initiated.  The second parame­
              ter indicates whether the BIOS  or  a  user  action
              (such as closing a laptop) initiated suspension.

              The  BIOS  "suspend"  mode  aggressively  conserves
              power, and normally involves shutting off power  to
              all  devices  except the CPU core and memory, which
              is kept in a very low power mode.  Most laptops can
              stay suspended, using battery power alone, for sev­
              eral days.  ("Hibernation" is a kind of  super-sus­
              pend,  where  all that state is written to disk and
              the machine uses even less power bcause it can turn
              off  that  CPU core, using no battery power at all.
here==>       At this writing, Linux does  not  support  hiberna­
              tion.)  PCMCIA devices should be manually suspended
              using cardctl(8), and some modular drivers may need
              to be unloaded.

But this writing is from Jun 1999. So, now it may work. But how do I
invoke it from bash?


Em Sex, 2003-05-30 ąs 10:54, Ben Russo escreveu:
> Joćo Borsoi Soares wrote:
> >Is it possible to hibernate linux as in windows? It would be very nice
> >to have all my application back exactly as before shutdown.
> >
> >Joao.
> >  
> >
> Yes, read about apmd
> -Ben.
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