> Marco Shaw wrote:
> > 
> > I'm interested in hearing from anyone that has tried StarOffice 4 on RedHat
> > 5.  I want to hear the good, the bad, and the ugly!
> Here's my two cents:
> Big, slow, and buggy
> I really hate to bag on this product because (1) it is free, and (2) it
> sure looks like it has great potential.  But, if you're looking for an
> honest opinion...

On my P120 32M/32swap RH4.2 with XFree and KDE, Staroffice takes about
45 seconds to start, then it seems to take another 15 seconds to load a
decent size document ~5000 words. With SO and Netscape running together
on KDE I don't have a lot of resources spare :)  But it is quite nice
and has good features. I like having it and it was not too hard to
install if you follow the hints from the web site listed before. It did
take 6 hours to DL tho, and for me that was a $60 phone call and $30 ISP

Most of the time I don't need the extra features and nice stuff SO
offers. I just write novels and letters and stuff, so Lyx or Klyx work
better for me. With KDE I can click on a Lyx document and Lyx will load
itself and a 100,000 word document in under 15 seconds. I also use the
cheap Xesslite for spreadsheet work, tho I will probably use SO for Dog
Pedigrees later on. 

SO does seem to drop out occasionally, but it's usable. I don't think
any other package offers the features and completeness of SO at this


  Tim (I don't spell check) Fairchild
  Kuttabul, Queensland, Australia.
  mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]   

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