On Tue, 2003-06-10 at 02:09, Manuel Aróstegui Ramirez wrote:
> Use ps -aux to find the PID, which is called X and
> kdm, and kill them with: kill -9 PID


        thanks for your response

i have used 
# kill $(pidof X)

and that will kill X
however i would like to do something cleaner,
so that i am properlys shutting down kde

i am running rh9 and i see no process called kdm ??

what i would really like is the command that is run when
you click the logout icon on the kde menu, and have it
available from a script.

or if the <cntrl>+<alt>+<back> cleanly shuts down kde,
that would work also

my ultimate goal is to get X stopped so i can rrmod the
nvidia binary module, because it is not compatable with
software suspend to disk.

        any  other suggestions are welcomed


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