in what sense do you mean require?  require that it is
installed perhaps?  you certainly don't have to use
ldap just because samba has support for it.  You can
use what ever other athentication methods are built in...
and the overhead of just installing ldap client isn't
all that big...


Gordon Messmer wrote:
Bill Dossett wrote:

Don't really see why Redhat don't build samba with ldap support built in... it's hardly experimental any more...

Probably because if you do so, then samba *requires* LDAP. This introduces a massive overhead in the initial setup of Samba.

I use samba and LDAP myself, but I wouldn't distribute it that way until/unless the whole OS use LDAP for everything (as Mac OS X does).

And yeah, I think I'd like to see a GNU OS that used LDAP for everything that wasn't necessary for single-user mode (password file has root, daemon, etc, but not mysql or postgres, or any of the user accounts). It would be *damn* nice for large-scale networks.

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