> I want to damage my file system. Not irreparably, but bad enough such that
> it doesn't automatically get fixed when the system is starting up. I know
> there's a level of damage where it stops and makes you run fsck yourself
> and that's what I need to do.
> Why?
> I'm writing some documentation...

Do your exercise on the root partition, and know how to remount rw.

Make some hard links to directories.   (I've fixed this in fsck.)

If you're brave make them circular,
   start with no lost+found directory,
   even use a disk editor to get some duplicated blocks.

There must be loads of good things to do.  And get hold of a good
guide to fsck's error messages.  There used to be one in the back
of a Sun manual where I no longer work.

# Antonomasia   [EMAIL PROTECTED]                      #
# See http://www.notatla.demon.co.uk/                        #

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