On 16 Jun 2003 at 15:47, Stephen Kuhn wrote:

> On Mon, 2003-06-16 at 07:02, Scarletdown wrote:
> > 
> > Here's links to a couple pictures of the screen, 
> > showing what I mean here...

?????  That just a synonym for <SNIP>?  :p

> KDE is graphics intensive; eye-candy intensive. Even on high-end
> graphics cards, it's intensive.

> In all honesty, either switch to a less intensive window manager and
> desktop (like Blackbox, Fluxbox or XFCE) or get a better video card
> and the driver to suit.

The problem _is_ proving to only very intermittent afterall.  KDE does seem to be 
working fine for the most part, and surprisingly fast on this system (only a Pentium-
120).  Other window managers gave me the same graphics glitches, which were 
fixed by "refreshing" the screen.  I will go ahead and stay with KDE for now, since it 
seems to be operating fine now; though I am keeping AfterStep on the system as 
well just in case.  I've uninstalled all other Window managers in order to free up 
some drive space.

After a little more tweaking (testing various packages, and uninstalling ones I don't 
need), I will be putting in a 2MB video card (S3 Vision968 - PCI) and disabling the 
on-board video.  This system is even lower on the hand-me-down upgrades chain 
than the other experimental system I'm tinkering with, so it will be a while before he 
gets a 4MB or better video card.

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