On Wed, 18 Jun 2003, Kevin MacNeil wrote:

> On Wed, Jun 18, 2003 at 02:56:04PM -0400, Gerry Doris wrote:
> > You should edit /etc/mail/sendmail.mc to include a SMARTHOST line.
> > It's probably already in the file but commneted out (has a dnl at the
> > front).  Just insert your ISP's email server to the line, take out the
> > dnl at the front, rerun the m4 macro (instructions at the top of the
> > file), and do a
> > 
> > service sendmail restart
> > 
> > to restart sendmail.  This will tell sendmail to forward all your mail
> > through your ISP's mail server.  That server will not be blocked by
> > AOL.
> It's also possible your ISP requires mail going through the smarthost to
> authenticate via smtp-auth.  If you get authentication errors post back
> to the list and someone'll show you how to get it working with 8.11.x.

Yes, I had to do the smtp-authentication trick to get it to work with my 
ISP.  There's a write up at linux-sxs.org in their sendmail section on how 
to set this up.


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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