On 19-Jun-2003/23:18 -0500, Bret Hughes <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>On Thu, 2003-06-19 at 20:34, Anthony E. Greene wrote:
>> On 19-Jun-2003/16:12 -0700, "James D. Parra" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> >Is there a way to make the Linux file system case insensitive?  We have a
>> >database scenario where this is very relevant.
>> I've never heard of any way to do that.
>> It would probably be faster and easier to change the data and any
>> associated filenames to all lowercase.
>What if it was a fat32 file system?

Dunno. I suspect you could ignore case in filenames since the underlying
system ignores case.

>  any tricks there?  Seems like with
>smaba there are some parms dealing with case conversion.

Samba's case conversion tricks help when a Winclient needs to work with a
*nix filesystem. I don't think that would help in this case.

>  Not knowing
>the actual situation and the issues makes it hard to help with


Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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