On 25-Jun-2003/13:04 +0700, Beast <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>I'm still thinking will light WM (such as windowmaker, fvwm or even
>twm) will help them (arround 200-300 of them are still p233/128MB RAM)
>*if* they have to run evolution, openoffice, mozilla and oracle
>Any advice to improve perfomance? (surely i can not drop the gui

I've been using Linux for office work for a year or so on a 1.1GHz/128RAM
box. If I were starting now I'd use Mozilla instead of Evolution. Evo is
an easy app for an Outlook user but it's a serious resource hog. Mozilla
isn't a lightweight, but at least you can do both email and web in a
single app. There is also a calendar add-in for Mozilla that seems to work
okay. I found it adequate but my calendar use is very light. YMMV.

For simple docs, I tend to use AbiWord and save as DOC or RTF. It's *much*
faster than OpenOffice. The versions I've used so far lack support for
tables, but it's coming soon.

OpenOffice is still a necessity though. The best suggestion I can make is
to load it early and keep it minimized. Waiting to start it only when
needed strains my patience.

Depending on your needs, an Oracle client may not be necessary. If there
is a UNIX ODBC driver available for Oracle, OpenOffice can use it to
access data in an SQL database. You can browse and update data, run SQL
commands, and use the database as a data source for form letters.  There
is also a form wizard that can help create a form for interacting with the
data, but the form interface has some limitations. Numerical and date
fields cannot be left empty when updating a record, and you can't type in
text fields ("text" not not char or varchar). There are workarounds for
some of these limitations, but you have to unzip the form and edit the
form code with a text editor to change some of the settings included by
the form wizard. If you're setting up an app/form for use by lots of
people, that may be satisfactory, but there is no way that a normal end
user could be productive with the forms produced by the form wizard.

You should runs some tests and figure out how to best setup the users'
desktops and pre-configure lots of things for them. Don't just use a
default setup. You may want to run some of the slower machines as
X-Terminals and run their apps on a single fast/big machine. This can be
hard on the network, but it greatly simplifies configuration control.

Anthony E. Greene <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
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