On Wed, Jun 25, 2003 at 09:31:08AM -0700, Chris W. Parker wrote:

> Please list for me reasons why you believe (or know for a fact) that
> Linux is more secure than our current setup. Let's assume two
> different situations: 1. Out of the box with a standard install,

I don't know that it is.  You must stay up to date or stay off the
internet.  Things might cool down in a few years (I think security
holes are being fixed faster than they are being made).

> 2. Standard install, fully patched.
1. Open code.  What's public is more likely to be examined, and
   security holes publicized and fixed.  Open source people seem to
   care about security.  MS mostly just talks about security, and only
   recently at that.  There are lots of examples of companies told
   about security problems, ignoring (or even threatening) the
   messenger, until that is, the problem is publicized.  

2. Open code.  Source code that might be looked at by other programers
   (particularly the kernel itself) will be higher quality in the
   first place (can you say embarrassment?) than will
   compile-sell-and-forget proprietary code.

3. There is no marketing department in most open source projects to
   drive mis-features for features sake, mis-features that compromise
   security.  When marketing does promote security it is frequently
   snake-oil solutions when most security holes are simply bugs, and
   marketing never really cares about bugs--just the biggest bugs.

4. More information and control available to you in how you configure

5. To have decent security you have to learn a little something about
   security yourself.  If you do Linux you know you have to learn
   something.  If you do MS you might think there is a "Do what you
   are supposed to and Bill will take care of you."-solution.  There
   isn't, but the fact that MS fights your taking responsibility
   leaves you little choice.

-kb, the Kent who thinks firewalls are inappropriately popular because
MS gives users so little alternative.

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