On Fri, 2003-06-27 at 08:02, Benjamin J. Weiss wrote:
> Bret,
> Don't use any sort of ftp.  If you installed RH 9.0, then you are 99% sure
> to have installed ssh.  The scp (secure copy) protocol runs automatically on
> top of ssh (unless you've disabled it).  Go to
> http://winscp.vse.cz/eng/
> and get WinSCP.  Very nice interface, and it works well.  It'll copy all of
> your files over an encrypted ssh session.
> Ben

Yep winscp is the direction I took.  It was decided that the ability to
login via ssh was a benefit and the client at least listened to me when
I told him my concerns about ftp.  I wish I could figure out a good way
to disable logins for these scp only accounts though.  It is not a big
user base and he knows the folks pretty well but it still irritates me.


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