Hi Jonathan,

> I was wondering if anyone has any information regarding RH10, it's 
> release schedule etc.

 Usually half a year after the last release, give or take a few weeks. 
Preannouncements are never made. No need to ask.

> I 
> had a poke around the Redhat FTP site, and the current beta directory 
> hasn't been updated since January, and nowhere on redhat.com and the 
> Redhat Network can I find anything regarding the development schedule.

 As mentioned above, the development scheme is never made public. Beta iso's 
will be made available at some point, just wait and see.

 The beta directory is used to make iso's available. For now you'll have to do 
with single packages which can be found under rawhide and can be used to 
update the latest release (ie RH 9).

4Suite-1.0-0.0.a1.src.rpm  1798 KB  26-6-03  15:37:00
looks quite recent to me :-p .


How clean is a war when you shoot around nukelar waste?
Stop the use of depleted uranium ammo!
End all weapons of mass destruction.

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