The premise of the article is a silly one - that since noone uses WinNT
that the source is more valuable shared than deleted.  The truth is that
MOST of Windows XP and 2003 _is_ WinNT.  Microsoft's dominant position
comes from the fact that other operating systems don't have the full
Windows API.  If they released the source to WinNT, that would no longer
be the case.  In addition, to keep up with XP and 2003 would only require
incremental improvements to the existing API - something fairly trivial
compared to the Wine project - an API implementation from scratch.

In addition, the author thought that this would curb the rise of Linux.
In fact, this would help it as people would simply graft the Win32 API on
top of Linux.  This idea seems to have escaped the author.  In addition,
although Microsoft could provide support, they would no longer be the only
ones who could.

It seems to me that the author understands neither Microsoft nor Open


On Thu, 3 Jul 2003, Bob Buckley wrote:

> That would put MS in a bad way, i.e., a whole new wave of lawsuits.
> I'd rather spend my time continuing the momentum of something that works --
> Linux -- rather than fixing something that kind of works.
> If we could learn anything useful from them it would be their GUI.
> Then again, it would be nice, however, to discover exactly what the h... MS
> was thinking.
> BobB
> -----Original Message-----
> [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Behalf Of Cannon, Andrew
> Sent: Thursday, July 03, 2003 5:32 AM
> To: Redhat (E-mail)
> Subject: Win NT open source?
> What do we think?
> Andrew Cannon, Nuclear Technology (J2), NNC Ltd, Booths Hall, Knutsford,
> Cheshire, WA16 8QZ.
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