On Wednesday 09 July 2003 08:13 pm, Edward Dekkers wrote:
> I'm still quite a newbie at regular expressions - so please bear with me.
> First the scenario.
> The inbox at my ISP has been flooded with e-mails. All 300-900Kb big, no
> subject line, no from line. After talks with my ISP, we have determined
> DENY = ^Subject:.*
> In case that in RegEx speak this means deny all.
> Please help me before it reaches 9:00am here (it's 8:13 now), when the
> flood begins again.

Well, it's already 9.00 am here, a little late, but I put my $0.002 anyway.
IIRC, mailfilter has a "test" mode, which allow you to run it, pretends it to 
delete (deny) or accept message, but not really do anything. You can then 
examine the Log file to see if it does what you want. So you can play around 
with it.

Sorry can't help with regex. I am new at it too (and often time frustrated by 
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