> should i then intrepret my problem to not be able to get mail to a pop3 or imap 
> client as being a xinetd misconfiguration?  and if so, what would a proper 
> configuration look like?
> thanks
> jay
> Jay Moore wrote:
> >> I've been able to successfully get postfix running.  I can send and
> >> receive mail to accounts on a RH8 box.  I know this because at a shell
> >> prompt i use the
> >> 'mail' command and can see that mail has been received.  When i've sent
> >> mail to outside account, it gets there ( i think because the mozilla
> >> client is configured to use my ISP's SMTP).  However, when i try and use
> >> a pop3 client (mozilla in this case) to retrieve my mail, i get server
> >> timeouts etc.  I have a Netgear firewall appliance that has port 110
> >> open, however, I am unsure if the box itself has this port open.  I'm
> >> slowly still figuring this stuff out, so any direction at all would be
> >> helpful.
> >> thanks
> >> jay
> >>
> >>
> >>
> >
> >
> Use 'netstat -nlp' to view listenning sockets.
> -CC

    I don't want to add to the confusion, might I suggest a quick
process I
use to troubleshoot mail problems. POP3, IMAP and SMTP daemons
in ascii text. You could give commands from a terminal (To emulate a
client) to quickly determine which piece is the problem. I only use this 
process to determine the problem, then focus my attention on it. You can 
remotely test your email from a system to the server where your mail
For example:

]$ telnet localhost 110 (POP3 server is on the machine I'm testing from)
]$ telnet ##.##.##.## 110 (POP3 server IP address, no DNS)
]$ telnet pop3.host.name 110 (POP3 server, with DNS test)

The POP3 server should respond with a '+OK ...' 

        You can issue commands to the server like 
        ]$ USER username
        ]$ PASS the_password
        ]$ 'LIST' or 'RETR 1' or 'TOP 1 0' or 'QUIT'
        BTW: This is how your email client communicates with the server,
        kind of sends a shudder of fear down your spine doesn't it?  

For POP3s:
]$ openssl s_client -connect pop3.host.name:pop3s 
        (After the Cert. Info. you should see the server respond with a '+OK

        Anyway, If the connection hangs or returns an error, and I am on the
        server where my email resides, I try the pop3 daemon from the command 

]$ /usr/sbin/ipop3d (The POP3 server will respond with a '+OK ...')

        If I get the correct response from the daemon, then I turn off the 

]$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/iptables stop 
]$ /etc/rc.d/init.d/ipchains stop

        I try the above 'telnet' again. Still no response, I add localhost to 
        the TCP wrappers 

]$ echo 'All:' >> /etc/hosts.allow
]$ echo 'ipop3d:' >> /etc/hosts.allow

        Check the deny config (/etc/hosts.deny) file for anything goofy. 
        By default I put 'All: All' in that file. Then in the
        file I put everything I want to allow connections. You decide 
        ( ]$ man hosts.allow )
        After you configure those files try the above telnet again, still no, 
        check your network connections.

]$ /sbin/ifconfig

        In the output I should see both the loopback (lo) and what means you
        are connecting to the Internet (ppp1, eth0, etc). 
]$ route

        Confirm you have loopback ( and your router address in the 

]$ netstat -atp ( All, TCP and Process ID )
        Confirm the pop3, and imap are present and associated with the proper
        program. In your case 'xinetd'. Keep in mind this output is only for
        the machine you are issuing this command on.    

If you get to this point and POP3 is still not functioning, and all of
the above
tests are OK, then you have a real problem. Most of the time I find it
is either 
the firewall or tcp wrappers that are the cause. After I am satisfied
with POP3, 
I change out '110' to '143' and start the process over with IMAP. Once
IMAP is 
complete, I test it out with SMTP (25). I usually sit on a test box and
test the mail server. I would strongly suggest you really test out your
connection for relay etc. Spammers will have your system doing their
toil in no 
time if it's mis-configured. 

Hope this helps,

Ken Sorensen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

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