Can you telnet to port 25 of yahoo's mailserver:

> telnet 25


| Ziaur Rahman           |       PGP Key: 0x8B686E8E|
|        ||
|                        |                          |
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Quote-o-moment .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

My interest is in the future because I am going to spend the rest of my
life there.

.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Quote-o-moment .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
Composing started at: Fri Jul 11 17:02:56 SGT 2003
     _)        _)        _|
 _  / |  _` |   | __ \  |    _ \
   /  | (   |   | |   | __| (   |
 ___|_|\__,_|_)_|_|  _|_|  \___/

 --.. .. .- .-.-.- .. -. ..-. ---
(           morse code           )

Quoting Didier Casse <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| Please read below:
| On Fri, 11 Jul 2003, Edward Dekkers wrote:
| >
| >
| > Didier Casse wrote:
| >
| > > Hi,
| > >    I just realized that sendmail on my redhat 9 can't deliver mail to
| > > mailboxes outside my domain! Everytime it says something like connection
| > > refused.
| > >
| > > PS I'm using sendmail-8.12.8-4 btw and redhat 9 as I mentionned above.
| > > Thanks for the help.
| > >
| > > regards,
| >
| > Not much information here Didier - but I'll try to read your mind:
| >
| > You don't have a domain set up on a permanent IP at your house/office,
| > and you've forgotten to set up your ISP mail server as a smart host.
| Yes Ed.
| I don't have a permanent IP and I'm on a LAN not set by me!. When I send
| email only thos [EMAIL PROTECTED] can receive it. People outside like
| [EMAIL PROTECTED] can't. So how should I configure sendmail?
| Didier
| ---
| PhD student
| Singapore Synchrotron Light Source (SSLS)
| 5 Research Link,
| Singapore 117603
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