Been a long time since I've posted but I can't find any info on this.

Tyan Thunder K7X MB w/ dual channel U160 SCSI controller (Adaptec AIC7899W)
2x AMD 2000+ MP cpus
Adaptec 2000s Zero Channel RAID Controller
3x 36.9GB SCSI3 HDDs in RAID5
ATI Rage XL video (integrated) w/ 4mb memory
DDS3 Sony Tape Drive

When trying to install RH9 from the CD on a completely rebuilt RAID
partition (all other data was flushed and HDDs were system level formated)
the install gets as far as loading the SCSI / RAID drivers (dtr_i2o if I'm
rememering right). After that part it tries to load anaconda but gets a
sig11 and reboots the system. Trying to install using "linux text" gets the
same result. Doing "linux lowres" gets to the X server start up gray screen
but then it crashes out. The only info it gives in the last method is that
it IDs the video as a ATI Mach 64 (which as you can see above it isn't).

Anyone have any idea how I can get the install to work? Is this a probing
issue? Should I  try a diffent video card or is it something completely
different. I've installed quite a few RH versions and a number of systems
and this is the first time I can't get it to at least get it to the install

Thanks in advance.
Paul Pettit

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