The ethernet controller is a Broadcom chip set, and it is designated as bcm5700. Broadcom does in fact have a source code driver download (although it's well hidden on their site) requiring building against the target machine kernel. The problem is that the iomem values are incorrect for the G40 laptop. By digging through the source code (which is released under GPL), I found that the iomem base addresses did not correspond to the G40 implementation. I decided to try changing the values based on the memory mapping indicated in the /proc/pci file. The specifics are as follows:I just got an IBM G40 seried laptop, and installed RedHat 9.0 on it. The internal ethernet controller seems to be seen by kudzu, but it is not recognized as an ethernet controller. Could I be missing a driver? Anyone have any luck getting the ethernet card on this seried laptop to work with RedHat?
The file that has the values which need to be changed is 5701rls.h, and the file is found in the src directory of the file from Broadcom. The original file has memory address like:
which need to be changed to:
I rebuilt the driver, and insmod was able to load it. The driver works!!!
There were 6 changes required. I intend to write something up in the linux-laptop site after I get the other problems (APM and video) resolved.
Thank God for OpenSource. Without the source, there would have been no chance without Broadcom or IBM providing a driver, and neither seems to be interested to find the fix.
Thanks to all who looked at this problem for me.
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