On Mon, 14 Jul 2003, Greg Bell wrote:

> Hi Listies,
> In the old days, fstab had stuff like:
>  /     /dev/hda1
> now, labels are used:
>  LABEL=/   /
> I have a kernel that complains it can't find / and blinks two of the
> keyboard LEDs.  Kernel command line has "root=LABEL=/"  Since the default
> kernel works just fine, obviously I've missed an option in my .config
> Does anyone know what needs to be compiled into the kernel so that it can 
> find labels properly?

you can't build that into the kernel.  to recognize labels on the
root partition, you *need* to use an initrd image.



Robert P. J. Day
Eno River Technologies
Unix, Linux and Open Source training


Hypothetical Bush defense: "Hey, don't blame me!  I was just doing what
  I was told!"
Subsequent NY Times headline: "Modest president credits staff work"

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