g4u is based on BSD. This is a Linux list. 

Having said that. If you need to image a system, you can use a Linux bootable CD to do 
the same thing...

Step #1
Download a bootable Linux distro (I like http://lnx-bbc.org) that has dhcpcd, 
coreutils, and ftp.

Step #2
Boot your system using the bootable CD and verify your system is on the network 

Step #3
Connect to your FTP server and upload the image.


ftp> put |"dd if=/dev/hda bs=1M|gzip -9" diskimage.gz

Alternatively, if you want to "clone" from disk to disk, you can boot the bootable 
distro and use this...

# dd if=/dev/hda of=/dev/hdb bs=1M

Hope that helps.

nick marsh

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