I can't believe I am having so much trouble so early on?
I read in the Chapter 11 about rescue mode and read my refresher on unix. The command
as written in the book does not work,
"Mount /dev/hda1 /mnt -t ext2"
it corrects my (the book's) syntax by saying "" mount -t <fs> <device> <dir> ""
Fine, so I re-typed it with this syntax and file structure /ext2 and got my hard disk
and was able to look around. I saw my basic commands in bin as well as the lilo.conf
using ls -al. So I figured, instead of messing with the path, I just cd bin and do
"more /usr/bin lilo.conf"
but 'more' or 'ed' or any of the bin functions do not work except 'df' which works
once I mounted my root or my hda1? the error when loading 'more' is <<error in
loading shared libraries>>
usint 'set' I see that my lib directory is in both Library path and regular path...
now I in am over my head? help?
Michael Hatzakis Jr, MD
Resident Physiatrist - R3
Department of Rehabilitation
Thomas Jefferson University Medical Center
Philadelphia, PA, 19026
-----Original Message-----
From: Maxwell Smart [SMTP:[EMAIL PROTECTED]]
Sent: Saturday, April 18, 1998 12:57 PM
Subject: RE: Lilo: Error creating boot record
On 18-Apr-98 Michael Hatzakis, Jr MD wrote:
> Wow, thanks so much for the quick reply. I did the re-install three times
> to make sure I did it right...
> I have knowledge of Unix, but forgot how to get into my root once I boot
> from floppy in recovery mode. Would you mind outlining the steps for
> this (ie., commands...)... When you ran LILO what did you do at that
> point.. just tell it to create the boot record manually?
It depends on where your /root partition is. For instance:
mount hdaX /
should work (page 180 of the RH5.0 Installation Guide - change the 'X' to
the partiton location), as should:
mount /dev/hdX / -t ext2
since you're in an emergency mode.
This would mount the /root partition and have the default path set to /bin
and /usr/bin. You can then cd to /etc and look at lilo.conf which should
look something like this:
Note that you may have some other or different entries. The most important
is the 'root=' lines and any 'other=' lines for mounting things like 'Doze95
or O/S2 or something. The 'boot=' line will tell lilo where to place the
boot info. You can change it if you'd prefer booting from floppy until all
is sorted out.
After making sure lilo.conf is OK, simply type:
and it will write to boot image.
Hope I've provided enough/accurate info and haven't missed something.
Unfortunately I have to go to work and won't be able to continue this in
the event I missed something.
Hopefully others can add anything I may have missed or correct anything I
may have stated wrong (still new here myself and still relearning to punt
when things go awry).
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