My old 12GB notebook disk was dying, so I got a new 60GB, and after a
somewhat worrisome installation in my Vaio Z505LE, it works!

Now that I have all this nice space I decided to use some of it to
backup the rest (a la
<>).  I am using
Reiserfs, and made an extra partition for my backups.  I did my
initial rsync --archive (excluding /proc, /dev, and the backup volume
itself), and by the time it finished the backup was bigger than the

  [EMAIL PROTECTED] root]# df
  Filesystem           1K-blocks      Used Available Use% Mounted on
  /dev/hda2             15357664   4599040  10758624  30% /
  /dev/hda1               104380     38072     66308  37% /boot
  none                     95312         0     95312   0% /dev/shm
  /dev/hda6             39068848   4774752  34294096  13% /root/backups

Does Reiserfs have differing overhead depending upon volume size?  Is
something else happening?



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