There must be two 'executable' files named '{' and '}' in your system's PATH.

Try this:

> find / -name "\{" -exec ls -ahl {} \;

May take a long time but will catch the culprit and show you. Do the same for
'}', just change "\{" to "\}".


| Ziaur Rahman           |       PGP Key: 0x8B686E8E|
|        ||
|                        |                          |
.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Quote-o-moment .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.

You cannot achieve the impossible without attempting the absurd.

.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.- Quote-o-moment .-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.-.
Composing started at: Tue Jul 22 18:44:12 SGT 2003
     _)        _)        _|
 _  / |  _` |   | __ \  |    _ \
   /  | (   |   | |   | __| (   |
 ___|_|\__,_|_)_|_|  _|_|  \___/

 --.. .. .- .-.-.- .. -. ..-. ---
(           morse code           )

Quoting MKlinke <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:

| On Monday 21 July 2003 13:12, Reuben D. Budiardja wrote:
| > I login as root (or su -) and hit Tab once. When the shell asked
| > "Displaying so and so possibilities", I said Y. At the very last
| > list, I saw command "{" and "}" (without the quote).
| >
| > What in the world is that ?
| >
| > which {, which }, locate {, locate } return nothing.
| >
| > Thanks.
| > RDB
| Could it be itemizing the "reserved words" of bash?  I also get the
| following characther when I try what you're doing. (man bash)
| :
| !
| --
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