On 19-Apr-98 Felix wrote:

> Paul Breedlove wrote:
>> I am running Red Hat version 5, and all I had to do is edit the file
>> named:
>> system.fvwm2rc
>> It is located in the /etc/X11/fvwm2 directory, on my system. You may
>> want to
>> use the find command to find in on yours.
>> You can just look at the existing menu items, to see how to add more...
>> Paul
> I had been wondering this too, but this didn't help.
>     The system.fvwm2rc file calls for a bunch of stuff that I never saw
> in X, so
> I tried running xinit and then fvwm2.  The result was something very
> different
> from what I have been seeing - it was the "real" fvwm2.  Here, I could
> see the
> changes I made to the pop-up menus.  But I want to change the menus in
> fvwm95 -
> the style of wm that rh5.0 defaults to...
>     So I searched for any "rc" file and anything with "fvwm" in it, but
> to no
> avail.  Can anyone help?  I'm tired of running apps from xterm windows.

I, too, had some problems. I could make some of the changes and not others.
I'd make changes by hand, find out they weren't what I wanted, change them
again, and again, and again.

Then I found XFCE. Can't recall where I go it or anything. But, I once
found it on Yahoo (searching for xfce).

It was a piece of cake to set up, had the means to uninstall it if you
don't like it. Not too hard to figure out (printed the info pages anyway
for more esoteric things) and gave me exactly the type of things I wanted
to do.

The only thing it didn't do for me is set the proper permissions on files
so users could access them. Hey, I gotta do sumpthin'!!

If you search and can't find it, write back and I'll look for it on the
morrow (or actually later today in this timezone).

A prune isn't a vegetable; a cabbage is a vegetable.

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