Title: Mensaje
Hello! I've just subscribed to this list and i hope that someone can help me....
I have a computer where i have a Redhat 7.3 box with the following hardware descriptions:
- Pentium MMX 233Mhz, 64 MB RAM 100Mhz., two 2.1 GB HDDs, 10 Mbps Lan card and an external US Robotics 56K analog modem.
My eth0 interface has a private IP address that belongs to the class C 192.168.1.x network and the ppp0 interface dials an ISP service phone to connect to the internet.
I use this computer to share the Dial-Up internet service with another 8 computers, i use squid 2.4 Stable 6 as a proxy and i´ve just allowed SMTP and POP3 IP masquerading to allow non HTTP requests to go to the internet, therefore SQUID controls the bandwidth and the few web sites that i want my users to access.
Now, that i have described my network layout, i want to ask 2 questions, hoping that you cvan help me:
When this computer used to have Windows 2000 professional and Wingate 4.x i was able to connect at 4.5 - 4.9 Kbps rates. Now, with RH linux 7.3 i've tried everything in order to tune up the PPPD daemon, the /etc/ppp/options file, modem strings, setserial configurations and so on but the modem will only transfer at 3.5 - 3.8 Kbps only... what could be wrong? is there something that i can do to finally boost the speed of my dial-up connection?
I have a friend and coworker who uses Kazaa to download stuff... i´ve allowed him to do so because he downloads cool stuff now and then that i also like :P however, that takes over the whole bandwidth of this slow dialup connection so i would like to know how to CBQ these connections so that he can download at 2 Kbps at most since i cannot force Kazaa to go through Squid and use delay pools to slow down his downloads.. or.. can i? ... his IP is Please tell me if there is a way to use Squid with Kazaa and use delay pools to limit the bandwidth (although Kazaa only supports SOCKS servers)  or if i have to use CBQ instead. If all i can do is to use CBQ, please give me the right script to limit my friend's connection to 2 Kbps over this slow dialup connection with the 56K external modem.
Thank you in advance,

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