On Wednesday 23 July 2003 03:27 pm, Robert Fausey wrote:
> I am having problems getting java programs to run under RH9.  I
> installed j2sdk-1.4.2-fcs and created /etc/profile.d/java.sh that
> contains
>       export JDK_HOME=/usr/java/j2sdk1.4.2
>       export PATH=$PATH:$JDK_HOME/bin
> I can compile Java programs, but they will not run, they run fine on
> other systems, I keep getting the following error
> Exception in thread "main" java.lang.NoClassDefFoundError: HelloWorld

Might be programming error ?
In Java, there needs to be a class name that the same as the filename IIRC. 
What is your filename, and the code contains in that file?


Reuben D. Budiardja
Department of Physics and Astronomy
The University of Tennessee, Knoxville, TN
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