On Tue, 23 Jun 1998, Dan Cornilescu wrote:

> > We have several "DOS 7" machines, which is to say, Windows95 boxes which
> > boot into non-GUI mode.  In their infinite wisdom, M$ wrote the
> > networking so that only IPX will load without the GUI.  So, these
> > machines can map network drives from our NT machines over IPX, but we
> > don't have any other way to do networking on those machines (no tcp/ip,
> > for example).
> > 
> > I need to find a way for those machines to talk to a Linux box.  So, it
> > seems to me, my options include:
> I really enjoyed, about 4-5 years ago, a small (2-300K), free dos
> program, which succesfully emulated basic unix networking
> (telnet, ftp, rip routing, etc.) (TCP/IP). 
> I used it exactly for accessing unix boxes from old 286s, in text
> mode.
> Do a search for ka9q (as it was called in the docs), maybe it's
> still out there, somewhere.
current versions known as FNOS and JNOS, available from ftp.mudge.com,
somewhere on demon.uk, and probably a wide variety of other places. ;-)

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