My bad.  I had a few duplicate usernames that had slipped in.  When I
those, everything worked fine.

It would be nice if it would have printed a warning rather than just
hanging, though (in fact,
it would be nice if vipw printed a warning about duplicate usernames,


James Youngman wrote:

> >>>>> "dc" == Dana Canfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   dc> I tried doing 2000 users, then adding 500 more and running
>   dc> pwconv again.  That didn't work.  I'll try splitting it up and
>   dc> doing just 2000 at a time, then merging the shadowed files.  Is
>   dc> that safe?
> Yes, except for the fact that the users in the snipped-out half of the
> password file will not be able to log in while this is happening, and
> those that are already logged in may get confusing behaviour from
> programs while they temporarily don't exist in the password file.
> Doing this in single-user mode may be the safest alternative, but
> don't forget to use "open" to open a root shell on another spare VC if
> you do do this in single-user mode, so that you can recover if the
> passwd file gets hosed for whatever reason.  Of course, starting by
> backing up the password file is presumably something you've already
> done.
> I do wonder what pwconv is doing.   What does strace(1) say if you run
> it on the hanging/running executable?   Is it waiting for a syscall to
> complete or is it just in some kind of infinite loop?
>   dc> James Youngman wrote:
>   >> >>>>> "dc" == Dana Canfield <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>   >>
>   dc> Under Redhat 5.1 pwconv stops working with any more than about
>   dc> 2500 users.  I need to convert a passwd file with about 4000
>   dc> users.  Any ideas?
>   >>
>   >> How about doing it in two halves?

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