On Tue, Jul 29, 2003 at 12:37:58AM -0700, bruce wrote:
> I think I have CVS working... but I'm not really sure!!!

Have you tested it? Do this on the command line :

cvs co <module>

(where <module> is a name of a module you have in CVS).

> I have CVSROOT set to --> :ext:[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/CVS

Are you trying to use this CVSROOT in CVSWeb? Because CVSWeb cannot
use a remote repository, it muts be ON lserver2.mesa.com, and use

> When I try to access CVSWEB from the web server, I'm getting an error
> indicating an error:

Check the Apache error.log file. What is the error there?

> within my /etc/profile, i have tried...

This is the only one that will work.

> within /etc/xinetd.d/cvspserver.. i have
> service cvspserver

This does not matter for CVSWeb.

> My questions.... I understand that you really want SSH for the security...
> But if I use CVSROOT="ext....", do I need to change the cvspserver
> information, specifically the line that has pserver..???

ext and pserver are mutually exclusive. 

> Assuming I get this to work..what changes need to be made regarding CVSWEB.
> I try to get CVSWEB running and I get a log error saying that the cvsweb.cgi
> script is having an issue over an invalid character... I assume that I don't
> have CVS actually running correctly....

No, that's a problem with the CGI. 
You might want to try ViewCVS, it's easier to get running:

> I'd like to basically insure that CVS is running.. and then get CVSWEB
> running... and then be able to access CVS via a remote server as well as a
> remote browser running CVSWEB....

pserver doesn't have to be running to use CVS via SSH or locally (like
CVSWeb uses). If you don't need pserver, don't run it. SSH is better.

Rob Helmer

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