
I haven't done any serious work in C for about ten years, and that was 
with Borland C products on MS-DOS platforms.  The programming 
I've done in Linux has basically been having some fun with perl and java.  
Well, I'd like to try some programming in C on my RedHat box.

I am very interested in learning the linux-specific stuff.  How do I set 
up the configure utility properly?  How do I set up the make stuff 
properly?  How do I use /etc/  I want to make sure that I learn 
all the correct habits for creating proper code in this new environment.

I still have my C reference books (assuming that the language hasn't 
changed significantly in the last 10 years) and am *not* interested in 
C++.  What I'm looking for is a good reference (in paper or online) that 
will help me through all of the proper steps.

Any recommendations?



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