On Mon, 4 Aug 2003, Ian Mortimer wrote:

> > I just installed vsftpd and it seems to be working ok except that I'm 
> > seeing these warning messages in the syslog.  Any idea what's causing 
> > these?  I'm just logging on from the same host as the ftp server.
> > 
> > Aug  1 19:31:51 tiger vsftpd: warning: can't get client address: 
> > Bad file descriptor
> It's because vsftpd doesn't call tcp_wrappers correctly.  You can either
> ignore it or turn off use of tcp_wrappers in /etc/vsftpd/vsftpd.conf 
> (assuming RH 9).
> See bugzilla: #89765 #88768 #89766

I had found the error went away when I turned off tcp_wrappers support.  
I should check bugzilla more often!!

I also found another problem with vsftpd.  I wanted to allow anonymous 
users to upload files (I have a special short term need for this).  While 
downloads worked perfectly I wasn't able to get uploads working no matter 
what I did.  They were always denied due to permissions.  I even tried 777 
and changed ownerships but it was no go.

I faithfully followed the instructions in Redhat's manual but it just did 
not work.

However, I did get it to work by just changing LISTEN=NO in
/etc/vsftpd.conf and then running vsftpd from xinetd with no other
changes.  vsftpd has a config for xinetd in it's documentation directory.  
I'm not sure why it wouldn't work when run as a standalone service but 
it works with xinetd???


"The lyfe so short, the craft so long to learne"  Chaucer

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