A 11:44 04/08/2003 +0700, vous avez écrit :
>i dont know that i in right list to post this problem, but
>i have a problem with my mail server using qmail and under operating
system redhat 7.1.
>the problem in several days like 2 day my mail server have a problem with
smtp, the clients cant send mail and the error message from the server is
server dont response. 
>and the solution that i do know is restart the mail server.
>any body can help me what should i check and do to fix this problem???

is the qmail-smtpd daemon running ? if yes, what does it do at the time of
the problem ? how many qmail-smtpd processes are running at the same time
(try various options with ps command, and/or top)

is it listening on the smtp port ? (try netstat -nap)

is really not responding (try telnet yourmachine on port 25, then begin
typing smtp protocol commands and see the result)

activate a network trace to try and see whether it's a network problem
(with tcpdump -w tracefile tcp port 25 or something like that)

my 2 cents...

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