Edward Croft <mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
    on Tuesday, August 05, 2003 10:25 AM said:

> When I send a test message to myself from outside with a
> .exe or .com attachment, it does get through. I am still getting
> spams. I can see no errors anywhere. What might I be missing?

What you are witnessing is MailScanner's file scanning rules in action.
By default MailScanner blocks emails with certain extensions. The
extension rules file is /etc/MailScanner/filename.rules.conf (by

I chose to leave the file as is and give instructions to my users that
if they have problems with people sending attachments because of the
extension they (the sender) needs to rename the file with a .zip or .txt
extension. This way the file will get through and the recipient can just
rename the file after they save it.

Although it causes a little bit of inconvenience I think it's totally
worth the fact that all the malicious attachments don't make it through
to us anymore, thus alleviating the possibility of a user opening any
attachments they shouldn't.

Check out the file and you'll see what all is being blocked.


p.s. If you feel you may be asking more questions do yourself a favor
and join the mailscanner list that's moderated by Julian Field (the
MailScanner author). It's really the best place to get mailscanner
questions answered.

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