On Thu, 2003-08-07 at 01:52, Herculano de Lima Einloft Neto wrote:
>   Have you checked this out, could be a corrupt file:
> http://mail.fontconfig.org/pipermail/fontconfig/2003-February/000111.html
>   I know I have seen a similar post somewhere else.

Thanks I missed this.  NOt sure why I did not get to the list.  It
appears that I had some fonts installed manually on the 7.1 system that
was causing the problem.  

Thanks again for the pointer.  Evidently fontconfig is pretty particular
about what it finds and I don't no if it was a corrupted font or what
but I think the ttf fonts I rm'ed are now installed already.  I will dig
around a bit when I have a chance.


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