On Thu, 2003-07-31 at 15:36, Bill Tangren wrote:

Does anyone know of a web-based newsgroup server, that has a similar functionality to, say, squirrelmail for web-based email?

I've been looking for the same thing for a few years and have yet to find something I like. I can't seem to find my notes at the moment, but I have tried many of them. Those I felt had promise...

Troll - http://www.horde.org/troll/
NewsPortal - http://florian-amrhein.de/newsportal/
WebNews - already mentioned
MyNewsGroups - http://mynewsgroups.sourceforge.net/

I currently have troll and newsportal installed.  I can't seem to get the
subscriptions to work with Troll.  Newsportal works, but is very simple
and doesn't work well with large newsgroups (and doesn't use

I haven't installed webnews or mynewsgroups yet.  Nor have I made
a google/freshmeat research pass in a few months.

If you find something with the quality of sqirrelmail or imp please let
me know.


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