> > i have one daemon under /etc/rc.d/init.d. it
> starts
> > fine manually, but it doesn't start whne the
> system
> > reboots. i used "chkconfig --add xxxxxd" and it
> still
> > could not start automatically. if the xxxxd script
> was
> > wrong, then it should not have been able to start
> > manually. so the script should be ok. using
> "chkconfig
> > xxxxxd" and it retuns nothing, i guess it means
> > "true". any linux gurus here have any ideas on
> this?
> > are there any log files for this?
> > 
> > i used solaris for two yeras and it always start
> those
> > daemons with S unless the scripts have problem ...
> > 
> > tahnsk
> > 
> > dave
> Dave,
> might help to read over the man page for chkconfig
> once again.
> chkconfig --level  345   xxxxd   on
> would set the specified service on...  use off to
> turn it off.
> adding the service simply makes it available for
> control.
> it doesn't automatically turn it on for a particular
> run level.

Exactly, you can also check what runlevels the daemon
is turned on and off for using:

chkconfig --level xxxxd

A reading of the chkconfig man page really would have
told you all this straight away.


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